FOXG1 Research Foundation ASGCT Recap -> On Track to a FOXG1 Gene Therapy
The FOXG1 Research Foundation is thrilled to share a recap of our participation at the 2024 American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ASGCT) conference in Baltimore. This conference marked a significant milestone for our foundation, truly a "coming out party" to Pharma for our commitment to developing a gene therapy for FOXG1 syndrome.
My FOXG1 Story, Written by Abraham Weitzman
My FOXG1 story, written by 20-year old Abey, who was diagnosed with FOXG1 syndrome last year.
2022 Impact Report
2022 Research Highlights (see details below)
Breakthrough gene therapy results showing rescue of FOXG1 brain structure, behavior, memory and cognition symptoms in animal models
Positive results on initial compound drug screens to identify molecules to increase FOXG1 levels; now moving forward to larger screens
Never-before understanding of FOXG1 biology uncovered from six FOXG1 patient human cell lines and mouse models
Successful testing of guide RNAs to increase FOXG1 expression with a CRISPRa Cas-9 system
Discovered ASO sequences (antisense gene therapy) to modulate FOXG1 expression; testing initiated with Creyon Bio
FOXG1 data package presented to several biotech companies with high interest
Help FOXG1 Ukrainian Family Rebuild!
The FOXG1 Research Community has helped get a FOXG1 family safely out of the warn-torn Ukraine! Now, they have to rebuild thier lives. Eva is a 3-ear-old child with the severe rare disease called FOXG1 syndrome. She suffers from seizures and is disabled. They are on thier way to safely, but they lost everything. This is how you can help. Thank you!
2021 Impact Report
The FOXG1 Research Foundation is dedicated to driving science towards therapeutics and ultimately a cure for every person in the world affected with FOXG1 syndrome. While accelerating research, we are also focused on advocating for and supporting families along this difficult journey. We cannot do this without you. In 2021 we raised nearly $3M. Thank you for your support!
How the Ciitizen FOXG1 Platform Drives Research and Helps Parents Manage Medical Care
The Ciitizen FOXG1 syndrome Natural History Study not only make managing care easier and gives parents control of thier children’s medical records, but also drives research and will help Biopharma to develop treatments for FOXG1 syndrome. Read how and why.
Introducing - FOXG1 Research Foundation Australia!
We are thrilled to announce the first official FOXG1 Research Foundation affiliate chapter in Australia, led by Steve Hille. Steve and his incredible team will lead all efforts in Australia to help support the research towards a cure for FOXG1 syndrome.
What Does this New Digital Natural History Study Mean for Me?
CZI granted the FRF a half a million dollar grant to launch a next generation, machine-learning, Natural History Study. What does the new digital Natural History Study mean for FOXG1 parents? How will it help make their lives easier ? Why is it so important to help get to treatments for FOXG1 syndrome?
November 2020 Research Update : Creyon Bio Takes on FOXG1 for ASOs!
November 2020 FOXG1 Research Foundation Research Update: Two Biotech companies are investing in FOXG1 syndrome for gene therapy and ASO therapy. FOXG1 Research is moving into screening drugs and testing potential therapies with a newly assembled consortium of esteemed scientists.
Taysha Gene Therapies Takes on FOXG1 Syndrome!
Taysha Gene Therapies adds FOXG1 syndrome to the pipeline of neurodegenerative CNS disorders; Taysha will develop gene developing gene replacement therapy (TSHA-117) for FOXG1 syndrome, using their novel miRNA target panel.