The FOXG1 Research Foundation (FRF) is the parent-led, global rare disease patient organization driving the research to find successful and precise treatments, and ultimately a cure, for every individual in the world with FOXG1 syndrome, while deeply focusing on patient advocacy, education, and family support.
The FOXG1 Research Foundation Mission:
It is the mission of the FOXG1 Research Foundation to accelerate research to find successful therapeutics for FOXG1 syndrome and related neurological disorders while raising awareness, and supporting and advocating for patients and families worldwide.
The FRF mission includes:
Funding cutting-edge science by the world's leading researchers that is integral along the Path to a Cure.
Finding treatments and ultimately a cure for all patients with FOXG1 syndrome in the world
all ages,
all mutation types,
all geographies
Providing equal access to therapeutics for all patients with FOXG1 syndrome worldwide
Uncovering the links between FOXG1 and related disorders, including Autism Spectrum Disorder
Advocating for FOXG1 patients worldwide
Supporting FOXG1 families worldwide
Continuously identifying gaps that slow rare disease drug development, and developing solutions
Pioneering new methods to accelerate the road to rare disease drug development
Raising awareness about FOXG1 syndrome and rare diseases at large