Rare Disease Day 2021 : FOXG1 Syndrome


Rare Disease Day is a day to raise awareness about rare diseases like FOXG1 syndrome and their impact on patients' lives.

The research we fund at FRF not only has the potential to treat and cure FOXG1 syndrome, but provides pathways to cures for the 6,000+ other rare diseases that affect over 300 million people worldwide.

Please help us reach our goal to further cutting-edge research to find therapies for every child in the world with FOXG1 syndrome and to help pave the way for rare diseases at large.

Enjoy some Rare Disease Day 2021 FOXG1 Features

Please feel free to join us on this incredible mission! contact@foxg1research.org

Thank you for your support!


Incredibly Important Surveys for all FOXG1 parents to take!


Introducing - FOXG1 Research Foundation Australia!