FOXG1 Research Foundation's Nasha Fitter Speaks At The White House Rare Disease Forum
FOXG1 Research Foundation Co-founder and CEO Nasha Fitter was the first spotlight speaker at the White House Rare Disease Forum hosted by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy's Health Outcomes Team February 28th ahead of Rare Disease Day 2024.
FOXG1 Parents Support Webinar: “Tell Us Abey” Communications System
The FOXG1 Parents Support Team introduces Josh Weitzman, co-creator of the "Tell Us Abey" communications system that he and his wife Michelle developed for their son Abraham “Abey,” who has FOXG1 syndrome. Witnessing Abey's ability to communicate with this tool has given the FOXG1 community a new outlook on our children's cognitive abilities. Abey is a student at Columbia University and a skilled creative writer. In this webinar, Josh shares more about Abey, their FOXG1 journey, and explains how "Tell Us Abey" works.