Podcasts Nicole Johnson Podcasts Nicole Johnson

CareTalk Podcast: Why Rare Disease Research is SO Important

In the CareTalk episode, “Why Rare Disease Research is So Important” Co-host, David Williams is joined by Nasha Fitter, CEO of FOXG1 Research Foundation, which is dedicated to finding a cure for FOXG1 Syndrome and Vice President of RWE and Ciitizen Platform at Invitae, to shed light on the importance of rare disease research, the challenges it faces, and the promising developments in this field.

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News Nicole Johnson News Nicole Johnson

The Naked Scientist: FOXG1 Syndrome: Fighting the Odds

Listener Vivek got in touch with a question about a rare genetic disease his son has, called FOXG1 Syndrome. In fact, it's so rare - and so newly-discovered - that only about six hundred people in the world have been diagnosed. Kids with FOXG1 have severe developmental delays; in Vivek's words, "everything that can go wrong - it's gone wrong with him." But the parents of FOXG1 children have been unusually tenacious when it comes to shaping the course of science. In this programme we meet those people blurring the line - metaphorically speaking - between the brain and the heart.

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